Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | 2 way peg app Documentation
Here, you can find a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the 2 way peg application.
- What are the requirements to use 2wp-app?
To know more about the requirements, see requirements
- What are the common errors in peg-out transactions?
To know more about the common errors, see common errors.
- How do I derive a BTC private key after sending RBTC through the PowPeg?
See section on deriving electrum for how to export a private key.
- What is the difference between SegWit and Legacy addresses?
Legacy address is the original BTC address while SegWit is the newer address format with lower fees. SegWit means Segregated Witness, where Segregated is to separate and Witness is the transaction signatures involved with a specific transaction.
- What type of addresses do I need to perform a peg in?
- For information on the type of addresses to use when performing a peg-in transaction
- See the supported addresses page.
- Why use the 2 way peg instead of the PowPeg directly?
- The 2 way peg app has a lot of benefits including enabling easier and simplified peg-in transactions.
- See why use the 2 way peg app? for a list of benefits when you use the application.
- What are the supported browsers to use 2wp-app?
- To know more about the supported browsers
- See the supported browsers.
- What are the supported wallets to use 2wp-app?**
- To know more about the requirements;
- See supported wallets.
See Glossary section for explanation of terms.
- 2 way peg app frontend repo
- 2 way peg app backend repo
- How to get RBTC using Rootstock’s built in Powpeg
- Rootstock Testnet Faucet
- Get RBTC using Exchanges
- Design architecture